Budge! Energise the Kids with this Multisport Game!

15 06 2011

Looking for a new game to play with the kids in that 10-20 minute period of time when you feel they could do with burning some energy or stretching their legs? Have a go at ‘Budge!’

This great game can be used for SO many sports. In fact, any sport where a pass, or a back and forth exchange of a ball is conducted. So as an example, here’s how you play a netball adaptation of Budge!:

  1. Group the kids in pairs (minimum of 8 players, max of about 20)
  2. Set a task (bounce pass, shoulder pass or chest pass for example)
  3. The ‘bottom’ pair, or pair on the extreme left of you has to complete 6 passes without dropping the ball.
  4. The second pair along must complete 8 passes.
  5. For each additional pair along the line, the number of passes to be completed increases by two (pair 10 = 24!)
  6. When a pair completes their number of passes they call out ‘Budge!’ and swap places with the pair ‘above’ them in the line.
  7. Play for a set time (at least 5 minutes to allow for shifting of all pairs). The pair that is in the top spot at the end of the time wins!

NB: Teams can be ‘Double Budged‘, when upon being pushed down the line, and before starting their new set of passes, another team below them achieves their task and ‘Budges’ them down yet another place.

Some other sports that ‘Budge!’ can be applied to with success are:

  • Tennis (Rallying back and forth)
  • Basketball (Passing – bounce, chest, shoulder)
  • Volleyball (Digging and setting)
  • Cricket (Throw & catch from your choice of distance)
  • Baseball / Softball / Teeball (as per cricket)
  • Soccer (Passing or even volleying as a very tough progression)
  • Rugby L/U or Touch (Passing as per cricket or even short kicks and catches)
  • Aussie Rules (Handpasses and kicks)
  • Hockey (Trap and pass)

Enjoy! (The kids will)



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