Tricks are for Kids

1 06 2011

Engaging an entire group of players at once can be difficult!! We all know that…

For those that seemingly have no interest in the drills and progressions that you are conducting, give them some time out and a trick to master while they are away from the rest of the class who are doing the regular group activity.

These tricks (see video below) will keep them busy 🙂

Just like the way the beep test is a quantative measure of achievment, some children will react better to a ‘ladder’ where they can try and be the best at doing a repetitive skill – juggling soccer ball on one foot for example.

You can even make progressions within the ladder:

  • If they are top 20 to top 15 they have to kick and catch as many in a row without dropping the ball
  • 14-10 they have to juggle it on their knee
  • 9-5 they have to do kick ups on either foot as many times as possible.
  • 5-1 they have to kick off alternating feet

Some great tricks to use include:

  • Soccer (Motorbike, round the world, catching on the foot, heel flick up and over)
  • Tennis (Racquet edge juggle, Catching the ball on the racquet, picking the ball up with the foot)
  • Rugby (Flicking the ball up by closing together quickly under the ball, spinning the ball on the finger, torpedo kick, vertical pass to yourself and number of hand claps)
  • BBall, Netball (Spinning the ball on the finger, rolling it across the chest).

If the descriptions of these tricks above don’t explain them well enough then be in touch and we’ll talk you through them via email ( Additionally, many tricks are available on video sharing sites such as youTube. SOme goodies include:

Soccer –
Tennis –
Hockey –
Basketball –
Rugby –

These types of activities will not only do wonders when it comes to engaging the students in a particular skill for that lesson, but will also aid in building their interest for inclusion with the rest of the class on a longer term basis.

Why not share some tricks of your own by leaving a comment…



One response

1 06 2011
Tricks are for Kids | Γονείς σε Δράση

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